Saturday, 10 October 2009

Cambodia, WB Study Impact of Typhoon Ketsana

Written by DAP NEWS -- Friday, 09 October 2009
(Post by CAAI News Media)

Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Thursday that the Government will work with the World Bank to evaluate the impact of deadly typhoon Ketsana which hit Cambodia last week, killing at least 20 people.

The infrastructure of the typhoon -hit region will be re-developed, said the PM at Phnom Penh’s Chaktomuk theater hall during a celebration of the 30th anniversary of the reestablishment of National Bank of Cambodia. Ketsana struck northern Cambodia and the Tonle Sap region, creating flooding and destroying property, including rice fields.

Local and international organizations and the Government are helping victims with rice seed, basic shelter and food, and other items.

So far, the Government has not revealed the price of damage from the storm.

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