Saturday, 10 October 2009

MoH Cracks Down on Illegal Medication

Written by DAP NEWS -- Friday, 09 October 2009
(Post by CAAI News Media)

Cases involving the criminal use of illegal and expired medicine have numbered 327 in the third quarter of 2009, the Committee Health Agency (CHA) of Phnom Penh said on Thursday.

Yim Yan, a medical source, said that the problem would continue without proper supervision.

“It is simple for the developed countries … but if we focus on it, it will probably be good.”

The Government first began to confiscate illegal, counterfeit or expired date medicines in 2000, though crackdowns on pharmacies have intensified since 2008. “There are over 1,000 shops sell the illegal medicines but it is very difficult to cut down on them because all medicines are always imported with professional skill.”

The MoH may check and confiscate any imported and exported medicines that do not meet Cambodia’s legal requirements.

Phnom Penh Vice Director of the MoH Pharmacy Prem Narun said that “all illegal medicines need to be prohibited and confiscated, and then destroyed.”

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