Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Cambodia Rejects PAD’s Demands

Written by DAP NEWS -- Wednesday, 04 November 2009

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

Both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the Royal Camb- odian Armed Forces Army (RCAF) strongly rejected one Thai group’s demands the Bangkok Government close Cambodia’s embassy in Thailand and close border gates between the two countries.

Chea Dara, RCAF chief, warned the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) that Cambodian soldiers would not withdraw from a 4.6 square kilometer area around Khmer Preah Vihear Temple. “They really bother us. If they want the land near Preah Vihear, I say please come, and they will be welcome to die here. If they do not believe it, they can come.”

Hundreds of PAD supporters rallied in front of the Bangkok Government House, demanding their leaders close the Cambodian Embassy in Bangkok and withdraw Thai Embassy personnel from Phnom Penh. The PAD also demanded the closure of two border gates between the countries. “We cannot do as requested by this small group and we never recognized the area of 4.5 square kilometers as disputed at all. Thai leaders made this map on their own so we reject it completely,” Chea Dara said.

Koy Kuong, MFA spokesman, said the PAD’s demand is not in line with Bangkok’s Cambodia policy.

“The bilateral relationship between the countries is still good and Cambodia does not care about this small group,” Koy Kuong added.

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