Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Three thieves nabbed at Water Festival

Written by DAP NEWS -- Wednesday, 04 November 2009

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Tuesday processed alleged three thieves for stealing rings, necklaces and mobile phones from Cambodian visitors in front of the Cambodian Royal Palace during the first day of the Water Festival, a court official said. All three men were said to be Muslims.

Daun Penh police sent all three thieves, Ly Amath, 20, Ly Toloh, 21, and Ly Hasweth, 20, all live in the Russey Keo district of Phnom Penh.

Ly Toloh told the court that “I did not make any mistake, I was near the victim, but the police report is not true.”

An anonymous police source conceded Ly Toloh’s arrest was based solely on the account of victims of theft.

Ly Hasweth admitted to unsuccessfully trying to steal a ring and a necklace.

Another of the accused admitted to a foiled attempt to steal a mobile phone. The unidentified police added that “The two suspects were really with the evidences, Cambodian visitor Sun Chakriya lose ring neck and Srun Nearng Ratha also lose a mobile phone and So Samphors lose ring neck as well, after they loses, they voiced loudly to help and pointed to the three men who nearer them.”

Despite the protests of Ly Toloh, the Municipal Court Judge Ek Chheng Hourt charged all men with theft and remanded them in jail.

On Monday, the Phnom Penh Municipal Judgment Court remanded four Vietnamese women in jail pending a later trial.

The police have a major undertaking in preventing crime during the annual Water Festival Ceremony, which attracts around 2 million visitors. Anecdotal accounts of street crime are common.

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