Tuesday, 30 November 2010

China gives Cambodia $6 million to restore Angkor

via CAAI

By The Associated Press

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia - China has given Cambodia $6 million to help restore a deteriorating temple at the Angkor Wat temple complex, one of Asia's greatest landmarks.

Soeung Kong, an official with the agency that oversees the Angkor Archaeological Park, said Monday the renovation of the Hindu-style Ta Keo temple will begin early next year and should be completed in eight years. He said the temple is deteriorating badly and its walls are at risk of collapse due to natural deterioration.

Ta Keo is a pyramid of five levels, built entirely of sandstone in the late 10th century to early 11th century.

China previously gave $2 million in 2000 to help restore Chausay Tevada, a 12th century Hindu temple at the complex, he said.

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