Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Student to help Cambodian orphans

via CAAI

Monday 29th November 2010

A STUDENT from Malvern is planning to work with orphans in Cambodia next year.

Melissa Thomas, 17, a Hereford Sixth Form College student, hopes to volunteer on behalf of Outreach International at an orphanage in Siem Reap for a month from June 2011.

The former Chase High school student will be joined by classmate Matthew Neale, also 17, of Ross on Wye.

She said: “I aspire to work with children when I'm older so I believe that going to Cambodia would be the greatest experience to have before I go to university.”

The pair are looking for donations from individuals or organisations to raise £2,000 each to support their trip, with £400 from each going directly the orphanage.

They will be teaching the children English, supporting them in their daily life and play, as well as helping them to raise money through their favourite pastime of dancing.

For more information, visit outreachinternational.co.uk

1 comment:

  1. This girl is amazing, and I admire her work. She is a close friend with a very big heart. Wish her all the best.
