Wednesday, 10 November 2010

The Phnom Penh Post News in Brief

Thai soldiers kill two suspected Cambodians

Wednesday, 10 November 2010 15:01 Tep Nimol

Thai border officials confirmed yesterday that their soldiers recently shot and killed two men they suspect were Cambodians who were illegally logging in Thai territory. Touch Ra, the chief of border relations at a checkpoint in Oddar Meanchey province, said the dead victims “could be Cambodian citizens” because many workers illegally log in Thailand to make money. He said the victims likely weren’t from the province’s Anlong Veng or Trapang Prasat districts because no missing persons have been reported. According to local rights groups, more than 20 Cambodians have been injured or killed by Thai troops since 2008 while logging across the border.

Four dead in R’kiri

Wednesday, 10 November 2010 15:01 Tep Nimol

Four people drowned after a boat carrying a total of eight occupants sank on Monday evening in Ratanakkiri’s Vern Sai district, officials said yesterday. La Bun Peng, community chief in Vern Sai district said “a mother and three children died because they could not swim,” while the overloaded boat sank, adding that the victim’s other children, husband, and boat owner swam to safety and survived. La Bun Peng said the cause of the crash remained unknown, but that it was likely the fault of overloading of goods and passengers that led to the tragedy. The victims were identified as ethnic brov from Mondulkiri who were relocating to Vern Sai district. The surviving husband has demanded US$1,000 in compensation from the boat owner, according to Vern Sai District Governor Teoun Nouthorng, adding that the owner had agreed to pay when he could.

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