Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Police Blotter: 10 Nov 2010

via CAAI

Wednesday, 10 November 2010 15:01 Phak Seangly

Loud ‘gangsters’ stone, beat security guards
Four “gangsters” were arrested on Saturday night after they hurled rocks at two security guards in Phnom Penh. Police said the gang “made loud noises” as neighbours near the Canadia Bank were trying to sleep. The two security guards at the bank came out and asked them to keep it down, after which the suspects hurled stones at them before beating them. The guards were sent to hospital with serious injuries.

Nine teens hit dancers with bike chains, belts
Battambang provincial police shaved the heads of nine teenagers accused of injuring three men as they were dancing at a wedding on Sunday. Police said the group of unruly teenagers, who may have been drunk, joined the wedding and began to dance. As they did so, one of the three victims stepped on one teenager’s toes. The teenagers then proceeded to beat the three men with bike chains and their belts. Police arrested them and shaved their heads as punishment, before releasing them after their parents signed a contract promising their children wouldn’t do it again.

Bullet strikes woman, police don’t intervene
A woman was injured after a stray bullet struck her in the knee in Phnom Penh’s Sen Sok district on Saturday. A witness reported that a group of men were drinking, when an argument broke out and the men began pelting each other with stones. One of the stones struck a moving car, when the driver hopped out and began shooting. A bullet ricocheted and wounded the woman, who was celebrating the 1-year birthday of her daughter nearby. The gunman and the group of men fled the scene, and police said it was “too late” to intervene.

Two men at large after knifepoint robbery
Police are on the hunt for two men accused of robbing a woman in Banteay Meanchey’s Mongkul Borei district on Thursday. Police said the men robbed the woman at knifepoint and fled the scene. The victim claimed she lost a gold necklace, mobile phone and US$5 in the mugging.

Pork vendor victim of the old bag switcheroo
A pork vendor lost 20 million riels (US$5,000) and two damlung of gold on Sunday morning when a customer switched bags with her in Pursat town. A woman with a black bag reportedly pretended to buy pork, but sneakily switched bags with the vendor when she wasn’t looking. Later, the woman realised her bag was stolen and reported it to police. No one was arrested, as the victim could not describe the suspect.

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