Friday, 18 July 2008

Temple of doom?

The Bangkok Post
Friday July 18, 2008

The current hoohah over the border temple of Khao Phra Viharn is an unnecessary disaster and by far the biggest loser is Thailand.

Virtually all tourist arrivals are from Thailand and they pay the same to pass through the national park on the Thai side as the Cambodians charge for entry.

Thailand should accept that the temple is irrevocably part of Cambodia and co-operate in developing the temple as a World Heritage Site.

A few disputed square kilometres are unimportant and developing tourism in Si Sa Ket, a poor province, and promoting good relations with Cambodia are far more important.

There is everything to lose from making the issue a political football and stirring up hysterical nationalistic fervour, and nothing to gain. The temple should become a symbol of a history and culture that can be equally shared between the two nations.


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